Home Remedies For Migraine

Certain foods eaten within the previous 24 hours are frequently migraine triggers. Dairy products and meals like meat, coffee, chocolate, and red wine that contain sulfites and nitrites frequently cause unfavourable reactions in consumers. Such meals can trigger a migraine attack by widening your blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the brain. However, you can’t just attribute migraines to your eating choices; hereditary and environmental variables also seem to be involved. However, if you are reliant on a bottle of pills all the time, you are ignoring the real problem that causes the headache.

Birla Ayurveda shares some effective natural home remedies for migraine that address the underlying cause. Although they might not cure migraines, these can help lessen their frequency and intensity.

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Author: Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

Birla Ayurveda offers you the gift of Holistic Health through Authentic Ayurveda. We treat the individual as a whole, maintaining the balance of body consultation, these results in the revitalization and holistic health. Medicinal oils and herbs from Kerala are used for Ayurvedic therapies. Talented Kerala therapists, duly guided by our experienced Ayurveda doctors, ensure an authentic and personalized experience, each time. For more details: https://birlaayurveda.co.in

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