Vata Body Type

Have you ever wondered why some people are hyperactive while others stay calm? Why some people do not put on weight despite eating more than what is required while others gain weight by eating a simple three-course meal? Ayurveda resolves all these questions with the three doshas or body types.

In Indian Ayurveda, there are mainly three types of body types—Vata, Pitta & Kapha. The doshas are described as biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They govern the physical and mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfilment. These doshas are derived from the five elements of nature and its related properties, wherein Vata is composed of space & air, Pitta of fire and water and Kapha of earth and water.

The balance of doshas in the body goes a long way in keeping you healthy. According to Ayurveda, if the proportion of doshas in your current state is close to your birth constitution, then you remain energetic and healthy. Any imbalance or divergence between these states can lead you to feel sick and unhealthy. In Ayurveda, vikruti is the term used to describe this imbalance or deviation away from the prakruti.

Since we are most susceptible to imbalances related to our doshas, having a deeper understanding of what constitutes them and what kind of a dosha you belong to is important.

What is Vata body type? It is a dosha is derived from the elements of space and air and it is known as the energy of movement that governs all the biological activities of the body. It is also called the ‘king of doshas’ since it governs the body’s greater life force and gives motion to the other two doshas of pitta and Kapha.

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Author: Birla Healthcare Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

Birla Ayurveda offers you the gift of Holistic Health through Authentic Ayurveda. We treat the individual as a whole, maintaining the balance of body consultation, these results in the revitalization and holistic health. Medicinal oils and herbs from Kerala are used for Ayurvedic therapies. Talented Kerala therapists, duly guided by our experienced Ayurveda doctors, ensure an authentic and personalized experience, each time. For more details:

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